Online Training

Reverse the Trend: Unlock Your True Potential and Transform Your Life in Just 12 Weeks

Are you a time-starved middle-aged man who wants to break free from the chains of an average life? Are you tired of feeling like age is catching up with you, draining your strength and vitality? Do you feel overwhelmed with life’s demands?  Do you feel like it’s all up to you to make things happen?  It’s time to reverse the trend and rewrite your story with our exclusive 12-week program.

Introducing Reverse the Trend, the revolutionary program designed specifically for busy men in their 40s and 50s. Join me on a transformative journey where I will teach you the secrets to looking good, feeling good, growing spiritually and taking charge of your life. No more settling for mediocrity – it's time to embrace a new chapter of greatness!

I understand the struggles you face. As I approach 50 myself, running a business that demands my time, I know the pressures that can hold you back. But I also know that it's never too late to make a change, put forth the physical effort to physically change, and trust God’s got your back. Together, through Reverse the Trend, we will conquer the obstacles that stand in your way.

Gone will be the days of feeling weak and tired, burdened by weight gain, chronic fatigue, and worry about the future that have become all too familiar. Say goodbye to the lack of desire and the overwhelming responsibilities that keep you from prioritizing your well-being. It's time to take control of your body and trust God with everything else.

With just 30 minutes a day, you can invest in yourself, your health, and your strength. Imagine the feeling of pushing yourself beyond your limits and discovering newfound energy and vitality. No longer will your schedule and life dictate your path – it's time for you to push back and reverse the trend!

Reverse the Trend: Unlock Your True Potential and Transform Your Life in Just 12 Weeks

This program combines powerful and time-efficient fitness with an easy-to-implement dietary routine that will become your roadmap to success. Together, we will unlock the secrets to sustainable change, empowering you to make lasting improvements without sacrificing your existing commitments. You deserve to be fit and strong, proud of how you look and how you present yourself to the world.


I also provide a weekly bible verse that will help center your thoughts and help you learn to see joy in the path that’s in front of you.  Together we’ll learn how to develop child-like trust in God with everything and believe that He will provide to you like he provides to the birds and animals every day.  Imagine where you’ll be in 12 weeks, physically and spiritually as you apply the workouts, dietary coaching, and 12 key verses that will strengthen your body, heart, and mind.


Don't let your age, or your current spot in life define you. It's time to redefine what's possible. Join Reverse the Trend, our exclusive 12-week program, and transform your life. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and reverse the trend of aging? The journey starts now.


3 Key Pillars: Unlocking Your Path to Success

Reverse the Trend, has three key pillars that will transform your body and revitalize your life. These pillars form the foundation of our program, ensuring that you achieve sustainable results and reclaim your youthful vitality. Let's dive into each pillar and discover the benefits they bring:

1. Strength Training: Step Into Your Full Power

A comprehensive total body strength training program lies at the heart of our approach. We focus on building lean muscle, boosting your metabolism, and strengthening aging joints. The best part? Our program is designed to burn fat and increase strength without bulking you up. Prepare to unleash your true power and witness the transformative effects of strength training. 
1. Strength Training: Step Into Your Full Power

2. Time-Saving Eating Strategy: Fueling Your Success

Your time is valuable, which is why I've crafted a manageable eating plan that delivers exceptional results without adding more complexity to your day. Forget about counting calories or restrictive diets. Our approach emphasizes quality over quantity. By following our time-saving eating strategy, you'll nourish your body with the right foods 80% of the time, allowing you to indulge in the occasional treat guilt-free. Lower cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, and take control of any pre-diabetic conditions while still savoring the foods that bring you happiness.
2. Time-Saving Eating Strategy: Fueling Your Success

3. The Busy Man’s Flexibility Plan: Reclaim Your Agile Potential

As a busy dad, we understand that flexibility is key. That's why we've integrated a daily stretching routine into our program. These stretches will enhance your range of motion, reduce the risk of injuries, and combat the stiffness that often accompanies aging. Experience the added distance in your golf drive, safeguard yourself against injuries during daily tasks, and improve your balance. Embrace the freedom of movement that will reignite your youthful spirit.
3. The Busy Man’s Flexibility Plan: Reclaim Your Agile Potential
By focusing on these three pillars – strength training, time-saving eating strategy, and the Busy man Flexibility Plan – you'll embark on a holistic journey of transformation. It's time to break free from the limitations of age and unlock your full potential. 
Are you ready to rewrite your story? 

Phase 1: Foundations & Fundamentals

The reality is, a lot of guys that come to me haven’t been active for quite some time. Maybe the most strenuous thing you’ve done recently is golf cart 9 holes, operate a TV remote, or open a bag of chips. This phase is designed for the sole purpose of helping you work through the kinks, knots, and old injuries so you’re ready to kick ass in the later phases.
This phase will meet you where you are and ease you into the program so that you can see noticeable progress after the first week and build momentum for the coming weeks. It’s these first 4 weeks that will build the fundamental skills used for the rest of your program. It’s important because it lays the foundation of the man you want (and deserve) to become.

Phase 1 pieces and steps:

  • No equipment is needed. Entry-level cardio with enjoyable outdoor walking goals where you can even take your dog.
  • Simple (2-minute) daily habit journal to teach the basics and help you stay on track with them so that you will start to build momentum.
  • Battle-tested nutritional strategy, backed by science, that meets you where you are and slowly adds simple modifications that are proven to keep your transformation rolling.
  • "4 Corners" - The only 4 stretches you need for pain-free movement and unlock the mobility you haven’t had since your 20s.
Phase 1 is completed when you’ve successfully demonstrated competence in the foundational and fundamental skills. It typically takes the average man 4 weeks and during that time he will drop 5-15lbs of bodyfat while building muscle.

Phase 2: Resistance & Relaxation 

In Phase 1, you mastered how to use your body as a strength tool, in Phase 2  you’re ready to start adding external resistance in the form of dumbbells and kettlebells. This phase builds upon the basic movement patterns from Phase 1 and safely moves you into more advanced lifts that will accelerate your transformation.

Phase 2 pieces and steps:

  • Now you get to lift some weights and use the strength you’ve developed in the first 4 weeks! You will learn to safely and effectively use time-tested key movements like squats, deadlifts, and pressing to increase strength, build muscle, and melt away fat.
  • Nutritional strategies that build upon phase 1 so that you master how your plate should look every day. Learn the difference between regular meals and post-workout meals, and discover the concept of nutrient timing to maximize the fat-burning, muscle-building benefits of your workouts.
  • Weekly yoga flow video designed for aging men, building on the "4 Corners" stretches and opening up the hips and shoulders for more youthful, pain-free movement.
  • Cardio: Gradually increase the intensity of your walks with your dog, incorporating time-tested interval training methods to improve cardio capacity and burn more fat.

Phase 3: Strength and Athleticism

In this phase, we will start introducing advanced movements to challenge the base level of strength and stability that you built in the previous phases. Get ready to have better balance, regain your agility, and move more athletically, just like you did in your 20s!

Phase 3 pieces and steps:

  • Introduce "Quick lifts" such as kettlebell swings and snatches, along with unilateral (one-arm) movements that challenge core strength and enhance your athletic ability.
  • Refine your eating habits and incorporate occasional cheat meals so that you can enjoy a balanced and normal life with the occasional beer, while still making progress.
  • Progressive yoga flow video (done once a week) that builds off the skills from phase 2, providing you with flexibility and daily pain-free function.
  • Gradually and consistently increase the intensity of hill walking and interval variations for improved cardio capacity. Challenge workouts will be included to monitor your weekly progress and elevate your heart and lung health.
Are you ready to transform your body, reclaim your vitality, and rewrite your story? 
Join our exclusive 12-week program, Reverse the Trend, today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment Don't let age hold you back – unleash your true potential now!

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